
just let go



06-26-2013, 05:08 PM

Alessa had rolled away, but maintained contact with Killian as he spoke to her. She seemed to be cheering up already, which made the brute glad to see that he was achieving his goal. He listened attentively to her response, entertained by the difference in the things she wanted to learn - fighting and healing. Only one of those he knew how to do. His expression became entirely serious as she spoke her last words, a feeling of sympathy flooding his veins. "You have a friend now," he said gently, again giving her a quick nuzzle to the cheek.

Suddenly Killian grinned, moving swiftly to his feet and crouching playfully before her, tail swaying back and forth behind him. "We'll fight then?" He was eager to get her mind off of the no friends thing and onto something that would keep her happy. He was sure she would scold him about his paw or something, but he would pay her no heed if she did. He was determined to do this for her. He bounded a few yards away, looking away from her momentarily to glance at the small animal that still sat observing them with an inquisitive gaze. It truly seemed to be only curious, but intent nonetheless. He decided that once this rough housing was done, he would take a moment to see what it wanted.