
Take a look at the one you're with


06-26-2013, 05:21 PM
This was something she lived for. The thrill of drawing someone else's blood, even her own brothers. They each attacked with their own reasons. Hers? Simply to taunt him, nothing more. Oh how he hated it when she fought back. His arrogance and pride ran freely, often getting the better of him. He craved power, just as she did but she had learned patience in getting what she wanted, rather than just using brute strength. His attacks came quickly, allowing for little time to think. Allowing instinct to take over, thoughts cleared, focusing only on her brother, the movements he made, every twitch of a muscle. Nostrils flared, breathing slowed and deepened, providing her lungs with necessary oxygen. Adrenaline flooded her system, heart pounding her chest. His blood teased her tongue as she struck. The world frozen around them. The winter chill that shuffled the tall grass went unnoticed, the cold ground went unfelt. The blood rushing in her ears pounded loudly, her brothers breath close enough to tease her pelt, she could feel every touch as his body connected with hers in violent ways. But the only thing that really matter was his blood on her tongue.

Her attack fell short, landing instead at the front of his chest, just above where his limb connected with his frame, where little damage could be done other than ripping away flesh. His roar vibrated through her skull, his control slipping from his grasp. With such close proximity to his jaws, audits remained tucked tightly against her skull to avoid being bitten, tail remained flagged out behind her for balance, straight with her spine. She released him, preparing to jump back and away from him, his legs came snaking their way around her shoulders, intent on locking her against him. As strong as he was, his forelegs couldn't keep all 115 pounds of her against him for long. His intent to cradle her against him, left his weight on his hind legs. As he stood four inches taller than her, her skull was below his jaws. In order for him to grab onto her neck, she would have had to keep her head tucked against his chest but rather she dropped her torso low to the ground lurching forward in the same fluid motion,, bodice scrapping the earth as her crown tilted upward, jaws gaping to grab a hold of his tender belly, her intend to grab and hold on. Her attack would leave her haunches vulnerable to attack, so she tail tucked tightly between her legs for protection against his jaws. She didn't manage to go completely unscathed, she waited a fraction of a second to long, his fangs nipped her scruff, her weight ripping the skin from his jaws, a low growl of agitation rumbled in her chest as the click of his jaws rang in her ears, blood seeping from the wound, that normally would have been small had she not ripped her scruff from his jaws. Her intent was for him to become unbalanced by the sudden disappearance of her figure supporting his paws, for him to baffled just long enough that she could get a good grip. And that she would come out on top, no matter how bruised and bloodied.

Round 1/3

Attacks: Drops torso to the ground, leaving haunches in the air, angles her head/neck upward with open jaws to grab his belly and hold on

Defenses: Ears pinned, tail straight out for balance and then later tucked, eyes narrowed

Injuries: Small shallow cuts to chest. Bit to the scruff.

OOC- Im assuming that since he wrapped his paws around her, he reared back up, leaving most of his weight on his hind legs and his belly exposed to her