
A Lamb in the Lion's Den


04-25-2017, 05:32 PM

Pyrrhus had decided to take another trip away from Abaven, mainly for recruiting purposes, she was telling herself, and also to see if she couldn’t sharpen some of her skills while she was out and about. Besides, what could was she as a potential mentor, a potential high fighting rank, if she couldn’t take care of things herself? A smile graced the woman’s features as she pressed on, fiery gaze searching for someone who might be worth her investigating.

Truthfully she’d found the male’s scent trail a while back, tracking him along through the long grasses of the basin with her tail quivering in delight. Though he wasn’t as large as her, and honestly there had only ever been one wolf she’d met who matched her height, she was fascinated by the striking bright blue upon his coat. Another oddity… though not quite as odd as herself. Still he’d caught her attention and appeared to be a loner…

…and goodness what a sorry state he seemed to be in. She had to hold in a laugh as she watched his attempt at hunting a quail. For an adult he sure was rather bad at hunting!

She’d show him how it was done.

With a large grin on her face Pyrr lowered herself towards the ground behind him, wiggling her rear in the grass before pouncing forward with outstretched paws. “Rrrrraaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwrrrrr!”

Walk, "Talk" Think