
Light Up The Sky [Pack Meeting]



8 Years
04-25-2017, 10:19 PM
I just wanna be by your side
Solveiga was settling back into the rhythm of pack life with surprising ease. Perhaps she was right, and this was the life she was being called to live all along. Celestial truly felt like home, and she was just relieved to be back. The heat of summer had begun to fade, giving rise to the vibrant colors of fall. The leaves on the trees were the color of fire, and some were now starting to fall to the ground. It was beautiful. Then again, everything was beautiful when you were falling in love.

Not that Solveiga was aware of that in the slightest. She was far too innocent to understand the changes taking place in her heart. So she was confused as ever when her heart fluttered simply at the sound of his voice. Regulus, calling for a pack meeting. How long had it been since Celestial had met? Perhaps she had missed a meeting or two in her absence. Regardless, she was eager to attend.

The little healer could have run across the territory to get there first, but she chose to take a more relaxed pace, which meant that she was the seventh to arrive. Seventh. She supposed it could have been worse. She smiled a bit bashfully as she trotted past Regulus, seated proudly up on that boulder. It was like a throne for him, wasn't it? He looked in every way a king. After giving him a bow of her head, she turned to see who had arrived so far. Laisrén, who looked so much older than when she had last seen him. Acapella, too. And as Solveiga stood near the boulder, a sweet little girl came running up to say hello to Regulus.

Solveiga couldn't help but giggle at the excitement in that sweet little voice, and she looked up to see the woman who was undoubtedly her mother. "She's adorable," the little woman said softly, smiling at the pup as she walked away to seat herself near Báine. It had been a while since she had seen the pretty albino girl, and she leaned over to give her a friendly nudge on the shoulder with her nose.

"How have you been, Báine?" she asked. By now Regulus had told her of the deaths in the family, and Solveiga knew firsthand how painful that sort of loss could be. But the pale girl seemed in a cheerful mood, which was evidence of her handling it very well.