
What a wonderful day for murder


04-26-2017, 04:42 AM

He wasn't quick with words which cause a prick of irritation in her. Her tail swished once then twice, though her mask never faltered. She knew how powerful she was and that perhaps her presence overwhelmed him. Then he spoke the most idiotic sentence he could of. Couldn't he tell she was a god, and gods didn't answer petty questions. She watched him with little interest. OF course she had to meet a stupid mortal that didn't realize when there were powerful beings around, though of course maybe she could use that to her advantage. Best to answer his question though and play nice until she could figure out how to get him to follow her into the den of demons.

"I am Abyzou, and what of you? What prey tell do they call you?" She was only half interested in his name. More so in whether or not he could be an easy target. Also in how to easily bring him back into the folds of the family. His pelt was interesting enough but not so much so that he could claim divinity as she could. He smelled of pack yet she found no borders near that she could scent. Perhaps he was a run away? Should he be this would be easy seeing as normally runaways didn't want to be found. "Would you like to go on an adventure perhaps? I know a place where we can do whatever we want and not get in any trouble for it.... but what am I thinking, you probably have to be home soon." she made it sound as if she was actually worried about this shrimp. Like she wasn't sure he could handle the fun she spoke of.

She of course had just devised a plan. She would get him to walk down the waterway with her a bit and then take him south to the bifrost, but not before she made her path so winding and crossing over itself that he would never be able to be found nor would he be able to find his way back. This planning was intricate and she was sure Ana would be proud. She would secure a mortal pet for the family and when he was no longer useful she would use his pelt to line her bed. Oh Abyzou, your so clever. Amon might even be happy with your pet.

Walk, "Talk" Think