
Blunt the knives, Bend the forks!



5 Years
04-26-2017, 05:53 AM
ain't shady baby,
i'm hot like the prodigal son

OOC: I hope I get better with his posts lol XDD

Wrapped up in the falling water and lost in thought, Adra nearly missed the perfume of his sister as she approached him. While her paws were silent, Adra never missed the cloying scent of Ana, as a result he did not flinch in surprise as some others would. Instead, he gave a sort of primitive grunt in response to her question,  "More so, now that you have appeared." The dark male gave his smaller twin a darkly charming grin and moved to bump her shoulder gently as he walked down the shore of the river. His paws deftly gripped rocks and found purchase on moss that covered the stones. He wasn't quite ready to be still just yet, having only just started his journey, but he paused in his stride to look at Ana. "Care to walk? We could find that bear and piss him off, I know you had to smell the beast."

There were no bird songs to fill the air, but there were plenty of cicadas and bugs to keep the place from being silent. There was a small pang of boredom, but exploring usually solved that for him. He figured it was the sudden responsibility that had overshadowed his joy for finding new places, the feeling that he had to check this new land out seemed to draw the true joy out of the task. Ana would distract him from this, he knew that, and she couldn't have come at a better time. She was...convenient like that. After his invitation was given, he continued his walk. The scent of the bear had him nervous, her presence was more like a security blanket that gave him super powers. If the bear did make an appearance, Adramalech was prepared to die protecting his sister. There was no joy at the thought, but he would rather be dead than to see the stain of her blood against the porcelain of her pelt. The thought was banished as soon as it rose, but it did put Adra on high alert for any hulking figures in the woods.

"Talking." Think. "You."

This character is prone to violence, strong language and tends to instigate fights. He loves his sister-mate and will kill for her, so be careful when threading with Anamalech, Adra is a jealous creature who does not ask questions. Anamalech is allowed in any of his threads! His posts are usually rated Mature (m).