
One, two, three, repeat after me



3 Years
04-26-2017, 08:40 AM

Many moments passed, the poem being completed with such gracefulness. It was one his mother had taught him in the short amount of time that he was with her. Despite this gift, the woman had abandoned her children and Varon was left in solitude shortly after. Thankfully, another pack had brought the orphan in but the scar was too deep to heal completely, hatred still burning deep inside for the blood family. Varon's concentration suddenly broke at the sound of paw steps nearby, the smell of a stranger faint, but clearly in the air. Immediately head would turn to see a pale bright canine lingering closer towards him, seemingly filled with delight and energy. "Hello! Sorry to bother you! I just heard you talking and I was wondering what language that was." Despite the sudden intrusion, the Russian didn't feel a sense of urgency to stand up onto his legs, the woman having allowed him to know she was coming from a good distance away.

The introduction was quite strange, and while the question was not new, it was the way she had asked it that surprised him. Was she eavesdropping? Pink orbs stared into his roughened eyes, blackened nose flaring to discover as much as he could about this albino as he could. She was not the first one of her color he had met within these lands, but nonetheless, his curiosity had still shown. The female seemed rather polite, and for once, the foreigner had wanted someone to listen to his voice. Accent danced upon every word he spoke, replying to her calmly, "It is called Russian. The main language of very far northern lands." It was then that the brown male had stood up completely, giving all attention onto this stranger. He felt rather confused why anyone else would come out into these desert lands, but he had to remember that he had come out here as well. "Do you live here?" Varon questioned, waiting patiently for an answer.

OOC: So sorry for the long wait! I'll have the time to keep up with it now.