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10 Years
Extra large
04-26-2017, 03:03 PM
The silence, although far from uncomfortable, wasn’t exactly the most pleasant either. That was usually how it went, though, when meeting new wolves; at least at first. He murmured an inaudible word quiet at Spider’s response, unsure if he would be the one to continue the conversation due to his new acquaintance’s apparent awkwardness. It was a strange sight to see the bird speaking quietly to him and rubbing against his cheek, seemingly to comfort him, and Áki found himself tilting his head slightly as he sat and eyed the two curiously. Such a strange companionship, he thought to himself, resisting the urge to shake his head. It wasn’t a bad thing, definitely not, simply an odd pair to find as friends, that’s all.

After a short moment, though, Spider spoke up. The question seemed hard for him, but he managed it anyway, and he found himself grinning again. ”Usually,” he answered quickly, though shrugged his shoulders gently. Most of the time he preferred to be on his own, but occasional company was always welcomed. Nothing permanent, and no obligations, but he was happy with temporary adventuring partners. ”Though I’m not completely antisocial. Traveling with others can be enjoyable too.” His tail flicked where it lay against him on the earth, and after a moment it curled more tightly against his flanks. ”What about you and Echo? Have you known him long?” He didn’t even know how long birds lived - especially whatever kind Echo was - and if he was young or old; it was difficult to tell for him, and his brows furrowed as he examined him and tried to figure it out.