
mess is mine



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
04-26-2017, 03:04 PM
Ásvor found herself erupting with soft giggles again at the birds’ antics; one was more understanding of her mistake, while the other seemed rather agitated, and she found herself feeling a sudden burst of fondness for the strange creatures that Naudir had taken as friends. If they were good to her sister, Ásvor would be okay with them being around. She wouldn’t dream of hurting one of Naudir’s friends - not unless they hurt her first. Then she’d had few qualms with it. ”I suppose I will learn to tolerate them, though this one’s attitude could use some adjusting,” she gestured toward Balthazaar with a sly grin.

Naudir was on board with her own train of thought, which lifted her spirits tremendously. There was little greater than being reunited with family, and the possibility of seeking out their other siblings, well.. She could ask for nothing better. And she was growing fonder of Branwen by the minute, who certainly seemed to be the more reasonable of the pair of them. Ásvor fought the urge to roll her eyes at their bickering. It was an advantageous relationship that the ravens had with Naudir, and with the addition of Ásvor to their group they could only feast on larger prey. They would be stronger together, even if Balthazaar didn’t particularly like his companion’s sister. It mattered little to her. ”Sounds like a plan, sister,” her grin returned full-force as they two started in the general direction of the north, eager for what awaited them there.

-exit both of them via. traveling to the North!-