
Cure of a no heart


06-26-2013, 06:03 PM

He seemed like a rather calm fellow, not one to intentionally start any kind of trouble. It was a shame to Demonio that he hadn?t met the lad before. What would the boy think of him knowing that he had lived in Tortuga for a good while and didn?t know the rest of his packmates? He didn?t seem to mind, easily providing the answer to the white man?s question. Luce. Another Tortuga that he hadn?t met. Jeez, he really needed to get on track and know at least who his other pack mates were. This was ridiculous. Serve her? What do you mean serve her? Surely you can?t be talking about being a slave to the woman. We do not harbor slaves in our pack. Everyone is an equal. Everyone is treated fairly and with the same amount of respect. Brows furrowed together, mismatched eyes narrowing in confusion. He wanted to serve the woman Seraphine, daughter of Luce? What on earth could drive the young man to want to do such a thing?

Yes, the boy wasn?t the biggest of the bunch, both in height and muscle mass, but that didn?t mean he had to resort to making himself the slave of someone else. With the right training, he could become a fine hunter, perhaps a spy. Demonio was sure the boy had some talents he was unaware of. The lad?s question brought his attention away from the millions of questions revolving in his head. Could you tell me your name? He found it odd that the lad hadn?t introduced himself yet.

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