
Tell Me Again



9 Years
04-27-2017, 11:47 PM

He had been alone now for some time, avoiding contact with anyone, and hoping that all the previous members of Vyper had dispersed so he wouldn't have to face them shamefully. He didn't want to see Jaelle - well, he did - but he didn't know how to face her, and how to address what she'd seen him do. And all the promises he'd made her, and never fulfilled. How had he ever become so awful and rotten? He shook his head as these thoughts ran through his mind, as they often did these days. However, he did hope that he would see his daughters. They had taken off on him, Memphis first, and then Saffron. It seemed even they didn't trust him now. So, after wandering through other territories, Xephyris had finally decided to come back to the cove, hoping to find a hint of either his girls. He hadn't scented them yet, however, and was becoming disheartened when he picked up a different scent. One of a female, but not one he recognized... or did he? He paused, inhaling several times as he tried to identify the scent. It became more and more familiar, until it was clear as day. This was the daughter of Sin. It was Paradox.

At first, he felt a twinge of anger, recalling how she had abandoned Hellstrom when they had needed all the fighting power they could get. But then it occurred to him that really, he'd broken off any affiliation he'd once had with Hellstrom. Enigma had made certain of that. So what did it matter to him now? With his anger subsiding, he began to remember how he'd once been fond of Paradox. Would she remember him? Since she'd been gone for so long, she wouldn't know about anything that had happened since the siege. She wouldn't know about his fight with Enigma. Which got him to thinking... if he could charm his way along with Paradox, wouldn't that just be the ultimate way to get under Enigma's skin? He hadn't seen the brute in a long time, but he had no doubt the man was lingering in the shadows. Xephyris chuckled to himself. What a satisfying feeling it would be to rub salt into his enemy's wounds - Xephyris could help to carry on Sin's bloodline through Paradox, where Enigma would never pass on his own father's genes. That was, if he could get the girl on board with it.

Suddenly he felt a thrill, a new goal to pursue. And not only would it be great to get back at Enigma, but he genuinely believed he would enjoy being around Paradox, if she allowed him. Perhaps she wouldn't remember him, and worst case scenario, she might reject him entirely, but he'd never know until he tried. So he followed her scent down the black-sand beach, until he could see fresh prints in the sand, and in the distance, a familiar snowy coat. He paused for a moment and tilted back his head to let out a low, gravelly howl to alert her to his presence, before he took off quickly to catch up with, as she was a good distance away still. At last, he was close enough to see her features, to recognize her truly, and he couldn't wait for her to turn around so he would see those cold blue eyes of hers. "Paradox," he called out, "Long time no see." He paused a few feet away from her, waiting for her to have a look at him, waiting to see if she remembered him at all.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]