
Cure of a no heart


06-26-2013, 06:14 PM

Slave wasn't entirely the word for it, his job was to serve and teach like a butler did in a way. His last master hadn't let him do anything to teach though but Dragneel was satisfied as to be at another's aid. Demonio was just like the rest, questioning his behavior like it was some kind of curse. His brother hadn't questioned it, and the boy was just this way. He hated being given a choice, he would rather be told to do something then do it himself. The result of thinking for himself, was the scar on his muzzle and the lack of back nails. "In that aspect, yes, but I am not a slave. I am a servant, there isn't much else to put to it. The more I think for myself, the more I injure my well being." Dragneel stated not sure how else to explain it, but then his name was asked for.
"Dragneel." Demonio could yell at him, he didn't care. Dragneel lacked the feeling to do so, missing emotions that had eaten away at his heart. While his mother and father were nice people, they had doted over Natsu. He developed the behavior from doing things for his brother at a young age, then getting mixed up with rogue who would have their way with him a thousand fold. Broken bones, missing fur, even other things that he would rather not dispute to the world. "Is it wrong to want to please others, to have an object that they can freely use as a friend or shield?" He didn't believe in friends, it was a fake word on his ears.
