
Forever Young



5 Years
04-29-2017, 08:18 PM

His curiosity was perked even more when her reply was a simple "Maybe". It made him wonder what kind of pack she had been in before. What kind of life drove her to run from what she knew. He had plenty of questions, but he felt that right now was not the time to be asking the young female. It was one thing for her to pump him with questions, but he felt with how tired and paw sore she looked he should wait for another day. His main concern was getting her fed, rested, and healed. She then went on to ask some questions about the pack. He had no problem explaining things to her, especially if it would make her feel more comfortable about coming back to the pack with him.

"Well the pack has been around for a while and it a vary peaceful pack, in my personal opinion. It has around 18 pack members including myself and has a lot of room for a young one to learn and grow. It's a strong and a vary safe pack to be a part of and live with and is vary communal." he started.

It was hard to shorten the rules and the ranks for the girl so that he wouldn't bore her with talking. Though she had asked so he felt obligated to tell her in detail and to be honest with her. Even if she didn't want to stay maybe he could convince her to just stay a few days to get healed up and rested. He would not in any way to force her to go with him or to stay with Fiori.

"No not alot at all. There is only around six rules that the pack fallows, along with fallowing whatever the King says. The King, named Leo, is vary laid back. As far as what happens when you break one, the worse I have heard happening is being banned from the pack, but that only happens after your demoted to the lowest rank and continue to break rules," he stated.

"Talk" & 'Think"

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