


06-26-2013, 06:20 PM

Wolf of the month
- Tahlia; As a character, I've been very impressed with her development. Any thread with her is delight to read, and I'm very intrigued by her. (Not to mention, I love her name. Say it fifty times, you might understand why c; )
Member of the month
- Wolfeyez; She's around everyday, and always talking and super nice. She's a great role-player, and just an all-around epic person.
Staff of the month
- Vivien; Give the girl some credit. That last Activity Check, there is no way I would have had it in me to keep it as organized as she did. She was always on top of it, working on it daily. I was very impressed. ^^
Couple of the month
- Syrinx X Eos; I have to admit, when I first started reading their threads... the whole... relationship was strange, but it's really grown on me- and I'm happily jumping on the "Syros" band-wagon.
Thread of the month
- So many interesting things were going on this month, but I must say- Stomach to the floor! This challenge had some awesome posts in it, and has been interesting to keep up with. ^^

OOC Noms

Most likely to blow stuff up
- Aislyn (She was on fire the other night)
Most talkative in the cBox
- Rina- She's always a talking.
Starts the craziest conversations
- Azil... Hands down.
- Clash!
Most likely to troll
- Lu. (God, HOW many times this month has she already done it? XD)
Most helpful
- Azzy


IC Noms ( i shall troll the site and fill in these holes later. I'm undecided)

Most likely to blow stuff up
Best ship couple
- Gerphaba (Yup, jumped on that train c;)
Most interesting personality
The pup most likely to believe a stranger has candy for him/her
Most likely to fall in love at first sight
Most likely to help a stranger
Most likely to drive you crazy
Most likely to plot to take over the world