
Blood Promise



5 Years
Dire wolf

04-29-2017, 10:19 PM (This post was last modified: 05-03-2017, 10:57 PM by Naamah.)

This day finds her without Corvus, having sent him on a mission of near impossibility in order to gain a few hours to herself. She was proud of the deception, though she just knew the bird would bring back what she had asked for. It had been only two hours, but there was a maternal side in Naamah that she found was coming to life within her. Corvus was becoming something of a child, needing to be fed and tended to just like a pup, and in Naam's mind that is what he was. The notes of worry that were etched into her forehead said it all, she cared for the bird and relied on him now. She hadn't wanted Corvus following her where she would go today, so the clever witch tricked him into looking for the perfect trinket. Something she could keep with her and would remind her of the shadowy male they met, it had to be perfectly round, and mostly light blue.

The quest for her perfect blue, round thing would take ages. Plenty of time for her to confront herself about what was going on in her head. Lilith purred as if prompted to, like a cat getting a solicited stroking, mentally speaking to her charge, "Desidero umbra est. Negari aciem divinitatem et perfecta quaeri fortitudine." Naamah nodded her agreement and laughed aloud, "Haec autem duobus ex oculis eorum vultus meus verbum quod vir splendidis!" There was a dual tone to the woman's voice as she laughed in unison with herself, something that would normally scare the fur off of any creature. To hear such a thing within the halls of this particular cave, Naamah knew she could terrorize anything to death if she wanted.

There was usually only one reason that Naamah came to these caves, she knew of what they did to the mind. This is the place she first met her spiritual guide and lifelong add-on, Lilith. On cue, the goddess moved toward her through the walls. Her coat was dark, like Naamah's, though Lilith's was more black and less grey. White washed the woman's lips, ears, eyes, and toes as grey lined her face and legs. There was strength and a savage beauty about the apparition, and Naamah had always held a certain envy of the woman's pelt. "Walk with me, goddess." Naamah said, and began to stroll through the hallucinatory corridors of the caves.

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.