
Tangled In The Great Escape


04-30-2017, 02:22 AM

Lost was a good way to explain how he was feeling. He was a stranger to these lands, a foreigner, and everything about this continent was odd to him. He'd come from a continent far different from this one and he'd happened upon it by chance. He'd drifted out to sea one day after being caught in a storm on a beach and then drug out to sea. The only way he'd survived was by a large piece of drift wood and from there he'd landed on an island. It wasn't until the skies cleared and the morning mists had rolled away that he'd noticed a much larger stretch of land. He swam the rest of the way when he'd rested up and the rest was obvious. He'd made his way to Auster and had resided here for the past few weeks.

Going home wouldn't be an option. He had no desire to spend days out on the open ocean again surviving only by a piece of wood. Luckily for him he was an opportunist and, despite the fact he'd been separated from the only family he'd ever known, he saw this land for what it was. What he'd explored was, by far, far more beautiful than anything he'd ever seen before. He'd traveled at his own pace, enjoying the sights at his leisure, and had no problems finding food. The temperatures were rather warm and if it wasn't for the bouts of rain that plagued him now and again it would have been enjoyable.

Today he found himself occupied with a pile of strange rocks forming a circle. Strange runes covered them but no matter how many times he circled them trying to make sense of them nothing came to mind. His homeland had no such oddities and it was completely puzzling to the cream colored wolf. Not only was their placement strange, but the markings on them only made them that much more difficult to understand. What had placed them here? What were with the markings? Had there been a wolf native to these lands around he would have asked, but the hybrid hadn't seen anyone around since he'd arrived. He'd scented a few loners here and there, but their scents were old. At least the continent was still had those of his kind, well, almost his kind.

Walk, "Talk" Think