
To Whom It May Concern


04-30-2017, 01:48 PM

Aldric had been traveling for quite some time now. He’d left his mother in hopes that he might find his father, or at least find a better life than what he’d be living at her side. His pink eyes scanned the terra before him as he padded onward. This was the land of Boreas; that much the young one knew. But the name of the exact land he was walking within was unknown to him. Did it really matter if he knew or not, he wondered?

With the sun beating gently down upon his multi-colored coat the boy couldn’t help but think what a nice day it was. The hues of autumn were such a welcome sight. It wasn’t until the young man scented the strong scent borders of a pack that he came to a stop, hesitating. His ears flicked back, the young french wolf side stepping a couple times. What should he do now? He’d wanted to find a pack… but… was this the right pack for him? Was this the place he’d be able to call home? Would he find his father here?

Walk,"Talk", Think