



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
05-01-2017, 11:06 AM
Another wolf appeared with friendly enough words, going through the motions of seeming friendly, but there was a certain... maybe wariness wasn't quite the word he was looking for, but certainly something like it, and the alpha's emphasis on the word 'friend' as she replied to the question widened his grin, those fangs deliberately bared in a smile that mocked their friendliness. "Oh please, do interrogate me," he purred, mischief sparking like the crackle of lightning in his mismatched eyes. "I'm sure it would be educational for all of us."

His eyes fell on a small creature who stared at him and babbled something before wiggling its way between the alpha's paws, and he stared back incredulously for a moment before he threw his head back with a roar of laughter. "You've got to be fucking shitting me," he said over top Faite's question. "This is just too much. What is this thing? You guys have pups doing your border patrols for you? What were you planning to do, throw Sparkle Rainbow Princess Flower at me so she could chew on my ankles while you ran for cover?"

He lowered his head level with the startlingly weird colored pup and let a predatory grin bare his fangs. "Oh yes," he 'whispered' in a much more carrying voice than the alpha had used, "I'm just so cuddly." He closed his fangs together with a sharp snap of emphasis on the last word, teeth closing in a toothy 'smile' before the pup's nose, and he slammed his haunches down and leaned back to let out another series of raucous guffaws. Clearly, the only thing keeping him from literally rolling on the ground laughing was his dignity.

Nope, Chaos had no dignity, not when thrown the perfect opportunity to ridicule. Still wracked with gales of laughter he flopped to his side to roll back and forth a couple times before, wheezing, he rolled to his belly again and made a visible effort to stop laughing, though little snorty giggles kept erupting. "Are you even a real pack?"

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write