
Let's Have Some Fun, This Beat is Sick



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
05-01-2017, 06:25 PM
The first wolf to appear, surprisingly enough, was a stranger to him who spoke excitedly, hopeful that there would be dancing and drink, and Chaos gave her a knowing smile and a wink. Oh yes, gypsy stranger, there would be, there would be indeed. His pack gathered around him, but he continued to hold his silence smugly. If he had hands, he would have been rubbing them together gleefully. Curious strangers joined with his pack, some speaking, some not, and finally he waved his tail for quiet. "All right, all right!" he called out over their heads. "Some of you didn't get the memo about what's going on? That's all right, you're welcome anyway!" He grinned at all and sundry. "This is a harvest festival, and anyone is welcome to come into this land - and only this land," he added warningly, "to trade herbs or hides or meat - or hell, teaching, whatever you want to trade! All day every day for a month, and then at night? At night, we party!" He nodded over to where Kass sat (pretend Kass was there, y'all) and added, "This fellow over there brews some mean drinks and we'll be happy to supply some, but feel free to bring whatever fun party stuff you might have as well! Tell your friends, tell your family, your neighbors, hell tell any damn stranger you meet up with, Crew's harvest festival is officially begun!" He grinned again, a wide grin of excitement that took in all the strangers and deepened as he glanced over his pack wolves. "Let's get the party started!"

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Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write