



5 Years
Dire wolf

05-02-2017, 11:47 AM

Amon was not surprised that more and more members of his family seemed to be gravitating to this place. He wondered if it were the Fallen God guiding their steps or if word was beginning to travel, but his ego told him it was this and more. His brother's howl, unique as it was, was clearly audible to him. He grumbled a bit under his breath that Phenex had missed Amon's gathering by hardly any time at all, but it would not be difficult to catch him up. The shadowy behemoth swerved off the path he had been walking before, heading instead towards where his younger sibling waited.

He found the mottled brown male not far from where the entire family had gathered not long ago. At least it would not be difficult for him to catch up with the others. "Phenex," he mused by way of greeting. His younger sibling had always been a bit odd, and Amon would admit that he was surprised to see him. "I had not thought you were in the area. You've just missed the others." His voice was low, a collection rich, rumbling tones. He did not know why his half-brother had appeared. If it so happened that Phenex had come as a messenger for his father, well, he'd want to present a good picture. Regardless, he waited to be told more.

Amon had been focused on his own children once Phenex reached maturity, and he had not spent as much time with him as he might have liked. In truth, he felt as though he didn't know him terribly well. If he had come to join with them, as Ana and Adra had, Amon would obviously need to refresh himself. "You've come a long way," he spoke up again. "News from home, I wonder?" On the inside, Amon grumbled. He might as well be asking about the weather for all he cared. His father's business was none of his own, and frankly he'd found himself with plenty to deal with on his own. He just wanted to know what on earth Phenex was doing here, and if there were others.
"Talk" "You"  Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!