
Crying Lightning



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-03-2017, 12:26 PM

His sleep was dreamless most days. But today, it was filled with things he didn't understand. Voices he couldn't name, faces he couldn't see. Those who spoke to him were always faceless, and often times it frightened him, but not once had he told his mother or anyone else for fear they would think him crazy. Life in Abaven so far was...decent. he didn't do a whole lot, mostly kept to himself and didn't really play with his siblings. He didn't hate them or anything, after all he was too young to understand hate let alone a lot of the things he felt inside. Maybe something was wrong with him...or maybe he was normal, though he didn't know what normal really was, either.

The ebony and alabaster boy shifted on his side, trying to get back to sleep but couldn't. He was in a constant state of being stuck half awake and half asleep, and sleep almost never came easy to him unless he did something that wore him out. With his eyes squeezed shut, Cloud tried to force himself to go back to sleep, but just as he somewhat started to drift off, a paw touched him and his brothers voice brought his eyes to open. Head turned to look at his larger brother, ears listening to Ty's whispers.

Cloud's gaze shifted to peer outside, noting that it was still dark and he could hear the faint sounds of crickets and stuff still singing. Looking back at Ty, he silently nodded and carefully picked himself up, the boy trying to keep quiet so he wouldn't wake up the others. The urge to shake the sleep off was strong, but he would wait until they were outside to do that. He wasn't sure if he could completely shake it off anyway, his mind always felt tired. Was it normal for a kid his age to feel that? He had no clue. He waited then for his brother to lead the way out.


art by Risketch