



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
05-05-2017, 12:06 AM

He'd been waiting for some sort of answer from Gryphon, but he supposed his brother just wanted to sit there and not say anything else. So that left him talking only to Lykos, unless his other brother decided to speak up when it was convenient or something. He felt like he was being set up, and he didn't like it. So he grudgingly listened to Lykos, listened to the crap that spilled from his mouth. Green eyes narrowed, tail flicking irritatingly against his legs. Meanwhile Kimahri sat somewhere behind him with very keen interest. Although Lykos may have been able to hold back a scoff, Dragon did not. He did scoff, and made no attempt to hide it. Even the roll of his eyes was as obvious as day. "You 'bowed down to mother'? That's the biggest wad of bullshit I've ever heard! You never wanted to be with us, never wanted to be a part of the pack! So why the hell did you even show up, huh? You hardly ever talked to us, never really made an effort to try and be there except when you had to be like at meetings and shit. Call me a liar, but I tried to make a relationship with you, and you spit on it!" His voice was a growl now, and he didn't bother to hide any of it. Lykos had tried his patience, pushed it way too far. And yet he had the nerve to show his face. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he began to think that maybe it would be better if Lykos never came around again. He was beginning to wish that he could erase his memory of anything and everything to do with the wolf he once called brother. The brother that thought himself better than everyone around him.

He listened to what the rest of Lykos had to say, and that's when something in his mind snapped. Tail lashed further, green eyes zeroing in on the black form of his brother. He was soooo lucky Kharnage wasn't here, because more than likely his brother would have egged him on to do something. Or perhaps Kharn would have done something himself. He lived for chaos, but he had a hell of a lot more loyalty and everything else that Lykos did not. At least, that's what was being shown in his opinion. "Well, if that's how you want it, then that's how it'll be. Since we're so horrible, and you feel so fucking miserable around here," He hissed, teeth baring slightly, "Then I'll give you what you want. From now on, you are no longer a part of this family. When you walk away, then your fate is sealed.  So go find your friend and take her name, because from here on out, you are no longer an Ancora." He shocked himself, to a degree. He never thought about that before, stripping the name from Could he even call him that anymore? Did he want to? But he did, and there was no taking it back. "Congratulations, now you have no ties to us, and no more family. I bet you're ecstatic about that now, aren't you?" His gaze and voice were cold, the male trying to reflect as much of Lykos' cold emotion as he could. It was so foreign to him, to feel this way. But why should he be any different when this was what Lykos wanted?


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.