
When I hit the ground



3 Years
05-05-2017, 02:55 AM
The Tech Thieves - On my own

The girls breathing was rigid - the night air filtering over herself as she pushed on. The ground underneath her was an ugly black, cracked beneath in every which way. Her pads could simply feel the cracks pointing upwards in irritation. Her lip raised in alarm as she watched the ground, but when she finally lifted her head there was a ghostly figure out in front of her. It looked like her, but it wasn't her. Heather stood there with her eyes furrowed. She went to call out, but she found her voice stolen - slowly herself turned away. The distance seemed to get farther as if a force was sucking her back. Gasping for air, Heather fell into darkness before her blue eyes shot open.

Heather tried to catch her breath as she saw the sun filtering through the tree's. The sound of the falls caught her ears giving her beating heart some comfort. It took her a minute to realize she had woken up from a nightmare. Leaving her feeling, less than average. No matter, now that it was over she stood and stretched herself. Letting her back leave a satisfied crack as she opened her mouth in a yawn. Luckily enough for her the sun wasn't too far into the sky for once she hadn't slept the day away. Concentrating on the world around her - her head automatically gestured towards finding her father.

While she knew she probably should have been trying to solve the issue of her lase in memory, she wanted to train. She wanted to indulge herself in the princess duties so that she could bury herself in it. Distract her from whatever.... she was. She smiled for a moment, taking in a deep breath she would start on a small walk and casually attempt to find her father without having to ring out a call for him.

"Heather." "You." Think.

Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.