
Light Up The Sky [Pack Meeting]



9 Years
Athena I
05-05-2017, 06:21 PM

Kalliope sighed with a shake of her head as she heard Etain scamper off and start greeting everyone within reach. Her ear flicked toward a female voice when the other woman mentioned how adorable she was and Kalliope could only give the stranger a small, embarrassed smile and chuckle. Eta certainly was that. Her daughter embodied all of her adopted mother's energy and loveliness plus some. Soon enough she caught her mate's scent and her head lifted toward him with a more relaxed smile. He was really the only one in the pack she truly knew so it made her feel more at ease to have him here.

She caught Ronen's scent as well, but Viho's was noticeably absent and at Castiel's question a sliver of worry wedged its way in. She gave a small shake of her head, her ears flicking back against her head. "No, I haven't seen him since early this morning," she replied quietly. She had assumed that Viho and Ronen had been exploring together, but if Ronen was with Castiel then where was Viho?

There was nothing that could be done about it at this very second though so she tried to just focus on the meeting as Regulus began to speak and fill the pack in on all of the recent going ons. She'd be lying if she said she actually absorbed everything the alpha was telling them. She could tell it was important and stuff she should probably be taking in, but her mind was on her missing son. Her ears perked a bit and she tuned back in when Regulus mentioned her and Castiel and their children, a small smile touching her lips as she gave a thankful nod.

After the meeting finally came to an end she was about to say something to Castiel when the woman's voice from before interjected to offer her help. Kalliope was grateful and surprised all at once and looked in the woman's direction with a slight smile. "That's kind of you, thank you. Castiel, I'll take Etain and Ronen back to the den, okay? You can go with Solveiga and whoever else to look for Viho." As guilty as she felt for letting Viho wander off on his own, she knew she wouldn't be a whole lot of help on this search. As soon as they went past the areas she was used to traversing she would have to focus more on not running into something than she would be able to search for Viho. "Come on, guys, lets get back to the den."

"Talk" "You" Think