
Don't Tell Me, Don't Tell Me You're Leaving



8 Years
Athena I
05-05-2017, 08:08 PM

Roza felt like time had stopped and everything else around her suddenly went silent. The rain was nonexistent as far as she was concerned. The seconds that passed between when she admitted that she loved him to when the same confession left Ganta's lips felt like an eternity. But as soon as "I love you" left her friend's lips everything snapped back into place and relief washed over her. There had really not been a real worry that he wouldn't share the same feelings, but she had still worried that she had moved too fast or that she could mess with their friendship. Luckily it seemed like that wasn't the case.

Her heart fluttered in her chest when he admitted that he loved her too, a smile stretching across her lips and her tail wagging furiously. She leaned into his touch when he reached out to touch her cheek and paw, her eyes closing contently for a moment. This new found worry for their lives seemed so miniscule now that she knew he loved her in return. It felt so good to have her feelings that she had been brewing on for a while out in the open. Not only that, but to have them out in the open and reciprocated. She didn't care if being with Ganta meant having his family against them. As long as Ganta loved her she would proudly stand at his side.

"I trust you," she replied with a smile as she opened her eyes just enough to be able to see his pale gaze. "We'll figure this out. Together." She couldn't wait to see Ganta build his pack and be there at his side to help him with it. She knew from watching her father that running a pack was hard, but she was ready and willing to help. The one thing her father hadn't really had all this time was someone helping him so maybe she could be that difference for Ganta. She scooted closer to him so that she could press her face into Ganta's neck as she closed her eyes again. She nuzzled into the thicker fur there with a soft sigh and a permanent smile locked onto her muzzle.

A thought occurred to her and after a moment she lifted her head so that she could see his face again. Her expression was thoughtful as she said, "When you get your pack going... I want to work as hard as you, okay? I know how hard it is from seeing my dad do it, but I don't want to just be a freeloader. I want to help you every step of the way. I want you to hold me to the same standards as you would anyone else in the pack." She grinned a little and lifted a paw to playfully nudge his chest. "Don't go easy on me!"

"Roza" "Abbey" Think