
One Last Visit


06-26-2013, 09:04 PM

Her sons quiet voice shook her from her thoughts, bring her gaze slowly back to him, audits pushing forward to listen. His inquiry as to how she was didn't come as surprise. What did surprise her was that he hadn't rattled off a bunch of questions already. But she knew that wasn't him, he had always been more reserved, not quite as bold as his siblings. "I've been well enough, though being old is hard." her last few words took on a teasing note, amusing glittering lightly in her eyes. She wouldn't tell him the entire truth, he didn't need to know that she was raped, had a still born, watched her rapist eat said child. She would protect him from that as much as she could. Him and the rest of her children. they would find out soon enough how cruel the world could be.

Their silence didn't bother her. She rather enjoyed just being around her son. She hadn't seen much of him, he had always been the one to keep to himself. Though it made sense, she and Kylar weren't much different. "Is this the first time you've left Tortuga?" She wasn't just making idle conversation, she was curious. How far had he ventured out? What did he think? Had he encountered anyone? She still wanted to know what went on in her kids lives, even if she wasn't there for every little thing they did or experienced.

OOC- short post is short :(

"Talk here."