
Chewing on Rabbit bones


06-26-2013, 09:13 PM

The cry for help was unexpected, waking Soleil from her slumber. A cat nap that was well overdue. Her time in Glaciem was waning quickly and before long she would be back in Valhalla. Her job would remain the same, just less engaging in a pack where one wolf among so many was easily lost.

Here she felt important or rather like she was doing her job. Now, she felt alarm. She sprang up and in the direction of the sound without much thought on what she would do when she arrived. Everyone knew she was not a fighter, her skills were few to none. Never before had she engaged in a fight and she didn't know if she could now.

She ran like the wind until she came upon the scene. Blood was the first thing to hit her, eyes finding the victim. A dark wolf with wounds littering her body. Then her eyes cast to the motionless heap of fur on the ground. Gargoyle was there as well, standing over the injured she-wolf. Soleil's tail stood straight out behind her, tensed to show her unease.

"I heard you call! So I came but--I-- I am unprepared! I'll be right back! I'll be right back!" She pivoted and took off as quickly as she came. Back to her temporary housing where she tossed herbs left and right with no worry for the bitter cold that was waiting to bite at their delicate leaves and stems. Oregano was what she grabbed, as well as spider webs which she had laboriously sought out. It had also been a task for the healers she was training, making them learn through trial and error on the best locations to find webs here.

When she got back the situation had changed very little. Her personal condition though? Soleil wasn't a runner, either, and now she found herself panting heavily. Regardless of her state, the female crouched over the wolf. "Let me see." She bid, eyes on the female's ears. She pulled the cobweb wad toward her. "How is the pain? I'm going to have you chew some of this, it will help alleviate any pain you might be having." She dabbed at the female's ears, speaking again now but her words were for Gargoyle. "I have told the healers, but they will want to gather as much cobweb as they can when it is warm out. Also, this oregano is a local herb and does do okay despite the cold."

"I've tried my best to teach them to use herbs that are found here but with the winter, I don't know what is dormant right now. If you need me to come back when it warms up, I can." She paused, her breathing normal again, "After I have and wean these pups, of course." She glanced at him with a light smile. It was more than a little obvious that she was pregnant now, her due date growing closer and closer.

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