
Cure of a no heart


06-26-2013, 09:51 PM

The words were the same, it wasn't the first time Dragneel had heard them. The boy understood it was strange, but when given a decision he didn't want to choose. He would rather die and be hurt because of another orders rather than something he had decided himself. He had a hot temper that could not be tamed by anyone but the one he chose to become attached to. He was certain Seraphine would treat him better than his last master, she was only a pup after all. Dragneel happily thought of being an object to another, they could be proud of him if they wished it. But these feelings, desires, hopes and dreams Demonio spoke about, were none existent. "To anyone I serve yes, willingly I choose who interests me. Seraphine has yet to turn even a year of age, she is a pup innocent to the eyes of the world." He looked at the man with blank eyes, then turned back to the sky.
"I lack these emotions you speak of. Nor do I want to feel them. I have no goals, no dreams unless you count of being of some use to my masters. My brother killed my last master, but I felt no ill will towards the man." Dragneel flicked his tail. "If I were to feel, I would become a beast, and I would not last more than a day in these lands before having someone tear my throat out Demonio." Dragneel was not downing himself, he was speaking fact. He had no dreams, no goals, so he left himself as an empty shell.
