



10 Years
05-07-2017, 01:03 AM

At last they had made it out of that god forsaken maze! She had been stuck in there since a little before her pups were born, and only now did they finally make it out. She vowed to never go back without good reason, nothing good came out of that place. She had been desperate to get out, her mouth sore and healing after trying countless times to bite and break the bamboo, but it always ended in failure. She walked on in a hurried pace, casting one last glance back at that god forsaken place before a shiver ran down her spine. What luck she had since coming to this goddamn continent! First running into someone who had forced her to do the unthinkable, and then getting trapped and lost in that maze...the only good that came out of it were her three pups, three handsome boys. "Boys, stay close please."

She didn't know what dangers lurked around here. Especially after her first run in with that man. What if he was still lurking around? Following her? Waiting for her to come out of there? No, maybe she was just being paranoid...Her stomach rumbled, forgetting for a moment how hungry she really was. All the prey she had managed to catch in the maze, she would give it to her children to make sure their bellies were full before she ate, and usually it was nothing more than scraps. She appeared scraggly, her coat not as plush or as healthy looking as it did before she had gotten lost in there because of her lack of food, but as long as he boys were healthy then she didn't care. She could hunt again now that they were out and free, but first, a safe place.

She led them onward, and after a while she could smell water and vegetation and...prey? Some sort of animals she'd never smelled before. Her gait quickened, eyes hungrily seeking out the bay that they would finally reach. She would check to make sure her kids were following, but didn't slow her pace until they were closer to shore and beneath the trees. There, she flopped down, the weariness suddenly weakening her legs. She sighed heavily and with relief, tail thumping lightly against the ground as bi-colored eyes watched the boys. "I'm going to rest for a little bit, and then I'll go find us some food. You boys can explore, but stay where I can see you please."



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