
Fishing in the Dark



9 Years
Extra large
05-07-2017, 02:18 PM

He has just finished up another hunt of smaller game and brought it home to the main part of the pack lands. He wasn't hungry, but he was sure the youngins would be hungry. Dropping the meal off the male left the drop off point and decided to go off somewhere to relax until he felt tired enough to go to bed. He made his way towards the pond hoping to find a nice willow tree to settle under. This way he could watch the sunset and watch the stars in the sky. It would be nice to calm himself down while watching the sunset, but it would also be nice to have some company. Since joining the pack the male had lacked in being social with other wolves in the pack and he was kicking himself for it. He still was focused on trying to build his own home and hunting for his current pack. Maybe he wasn't meant to have his own pack. His path may vary well be to stay here, but he wasn't sure. Not many of the clans older members really seemed to like the idea of settling down in one place, so there were doubts that his family would ever stay even if he formed his own pack. Huffing the male shook the thoughts away before settling down under one of the larger willow trees around the pond.

Another thing he was kicking himself was that he wasn't seeking out Star and spending time with her. Anytime he had seen her from afar she looked as though she was busy and he never felt it was right to pester her if she was busy. She was the only wolf that he knew a lot about and he hadn't spent much time with her. She had fallowed him all the way to these lands, found him, and convinced him to join her in this pack. He needed to seek her out and spend time with his close friend, especially since he was missing her company. If he knew where she was at this moment he would go find her, but for all he knew she was already in her den preparing herself for sleep. Sighing quietly the male shifted his position and looked out over the pond.

"Talk" & 'Think"