
Cure of a no heart


06-26-2013, 10:32 PM

He still didn't understand why someone who willingly choose to dedicate their life to serving someone, but he was slowly coming to terms with it. Dragneel just lived a different lifestyle, one he had never heard of or encountered before, and that was completely fine. Demonio wasn't the type of guy to walk around telling people how to live their lives. Who was he to tell someone how to live their own life? Her certainly wouldn't want someone to come and judge his choice of lifestyle and try to tell him how he should live. Everyone was entitled to live the way they wanted to and Dragneel was no exception.

There was no expression in the ruby eyes that met his own mismatched ones as he explained that the child hadn't even turned a year yet and that he willingly choose those he served. Well I am not one to judge others based on how they choose to live their life. If you choose to serve someone, I find that very noble and worthy respect. It was an honorable thing to do, since not most people would be able to subject themselves to a lifestyle like that. Well I respect your choice of living. I might not completely understand it, but if you never need any kind of assistance, then please do not hesitate to call upon me. We are pack mates after all. A gentle smile curled the man's jaws as he looked down to the lad, finding that despite his unusual lifestyle, he had a good heart with him, even if he thought himself not to have emotions.

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