
Reactivate Ashmedai Imperialis



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Trick 2019
05-07-2017, 08:46 PM (This post was last modified: 05-25-2017, 03:52 PM by Ashmedai.)
Character's Name: Ashmedai (Az-meh-die) Imperialis
Character Age: 3
Build: Heavy
Season of Birth: Summer
Adult Height: 42"
Appearance Description:This boy is a mixture of varying shades of slate blue. In one lighting, he may look grey, while in another, he may look blue. His coat is like a cloud before a heavy storm, dabbled with light clouds here and there. These light clouds are patchy white markings that dapple his face, right ear, chest, belly, rump, and, in some form, all of his legs. His face is flecked with white, almost like freckles, with his muzzle and cheeks being completely white. His right ear is also this snowy color. Halfway down the boy's neck, the light, cloudy markings begin, slowly at first, then become more solid as they trail down his stomach, between his legs, stopping just between his back legs (yes, where his man bits are). His back half is lightly dappled in white, almost appearing as if snow had fallen on him while he was sleeping. His paws each contain varying amounts of lightness. The white marking on his right front paw dabbles up to about half way between his ankle and elbow, while his left front leg is marked up to where the faintest light grays spot his elbow. His back legs have more of a gradient, whereas his front leg markings start out splotchy, like freshly fallen rain on the ground. His left back leg begins to lighten just where the leg crosses the belly, while his right back leg begins just below his knee. The left back leg only becomes truly white on the bottom half of the foot, which is rarely clean. Like all storms, Ashmedai has even darker patches, though fewer than the light patches. His left ear is black on the top two-thirds and the tip of his tail is darkened on the last one-third. The markings on his ears are smooth, like the markings on the back legs, while the markings on his face, front legs, chest, belly, and tail begin splotchy and freckled. To accompany Ashmedai's stormy features are bright, sky blue, as if to symbolize sunny days that interrupt the stormy ones. The brute, over all, is your typical Summer afternoon.

Proof of Purchases:text
Ash wears a tourist shirt and a spiked leather harness from time to time. Sometimes together, sometimes not. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into.