
When I hit the ground



9 Years
Athena I
05-07-2017, 09:47 PM (This post was last modified: 06-22-2017, 05:39 PM by Leo.)

Leo's jaws stretched wide in a yawn as he began to make his way around the falls, giving his head a slight shake to wake himself. He had gotten up early that morning to do his patrol as he always did, but his sleep the night before had been uneasy. There was so much on his mind with thoughts of his family, his children, and the future. Soon enough winter would be here and he would be another year older. It was hard to believe that he would be seven with this upcoming season. Time felt so fleeting and and in a way it seemed like time had flown past him in a blur. The older he got the more he worried about the pack and what would come of it. He trusted that Heather would be a good leader for it when the time came, but was he really doing enough to prepare her for it? What if another challenger came to fight for the pack? Would he be as able to fight them off this time?

He glanced up from the ground for a moment and saw Heather's form in the distance and he smiled softly. How well perfectly timed. He continued down the slope toward her, giving a quick bark to get her attention. It didn't take more than a few moments for him to get over to her and his smile widened a bit as he reached over to press his nose to her cheek affectionately. "Hello, sweetheart. What uncanny timing. I was just thinking about you." He settled onto his haunches for a moment while his expression grew more curious. "What do you have on your agenda today, hm? How are you feeling?"

"Talk" "You" Think