
Weaver's Web



6 Years
05-09-2017, 06:16 PM

He felt the heat in his face begin to rise again as Shiloh settled next to him, his ears turning submissively as the male’s predatory eyes fell on him. The man asked for his name but at first all Spider could think of was how warm the other male’s body was in the cooling air.

“S-S-Spider.” He muttered uncertainly, his eyes darting to the ground. Shiloh offered him protection; something another male never had before, at least not for him alone. Church, his brother in law, had after all protected him but only at his sister’s behest. The fact that Shiloh’s protection came at a price only seemed natural to him because after all even Natiel had asked if he would act as a healer for her, and Echo’s intentions seemed kind, but to some degree he always believed the bird was just hungry. To his knowledge, everything came at a price, every medicine had a side-effect, and for every act of kindness something was always expected in return. That was also Yosep’s way although to date he had been very bad at cashing in on his acts of kindness. If he wanted the protection -and body of the male, it only made sense that he would need to abide by his laws, not that he minded terribly, as far as he could tell the male was reasonable.

"Shiloh will destroy the world - you will help."

He was taken aback slightly, the hair on his neck rising. He didn’t believe that Shiloh would or even could destroy the world, but the fact that he would somehow help shocked him, mostly because the male didn’t even know that Spider was a valuable asset as a healer. To him it was the closest thing to an act of affection he had ever known; Shiloh had only wanted him for the sake of him being him, and it was then that he first began to love him.

“A-alright. “ He said quietly, the smallest arch of excitement in his voice as he did. “I-I c-c-can b-b-be y-your h-healer.” He raised his ears slightly, hopefully not fully aware of what he had agreed to or the contract he had just signed in blood. He ducked his head submissively, unsure if the male was going to mark him some way but bracing for his fangs on his skin, and trusting that he wouldn't be killed.

Spider speaking

Shiloh Speaking

Shiloh vs. Spider for Slavery

0/3 rounds

Height: 32"

Build: Medum

-Spider Surrenders-