
we write sins not tragedies



2 Years
Extra large

05-10-2017, 04:25 AM


Ray was a sorry sight. There where many times in her young life where see had bitten off more then she could chew, but time and time again she refused to let them bring her down. Now, without family and alone, and with the lingering reminder of her certainty that she could make her own path... failure hit her harder them ever. She had searched for her family, she had trained to better herself, and instead of success, she was a wreck. Assured of her own invincibility she had taken on a fight and lost, with broken bones and scars as her momentum, and a kink in her tail that she would likely carry for life. It had taken her just under three months to heal, and after she had dragged her sorry self back to obsidian Beach, Tar had been gone. She couldn't blame him, not really, she had already failed him once, he likely thought that was just who she was now. With her spirits broken, she had become a shadow of former self.

She lost wait in her recovery, and never regained the weight. She ate enough to survive, and was constantly on the move. We didn't remain in one place for long, and made no friends. She smothered the spark of her personality, and lived a year in misery and self doubt.

She remained in the haze until the tail end of Autumn, as she made her way around the Submerged Woods, paws dipped in snow, and shuddering at the chill in the wind. She most certainly couldn’t forget that Winter was around the corner. The lake that drowned the forest had frozen over, a sight she hadn’t seen before. Curious, she moved forward to sniff at the tops of the trees that poked through the frozen ice, like spikes on the back of a hedgehog. A few paces over the ice, she would hear the first splinter of cracking ice break the silence in the air. She felt the shift in the earth beneath and let her eyes trail down, seeing the spread of cracks like veins through the weight. She moved slowly down onto her belly, spreading out her weight, but it wasn’t enough, even as skinny as she was. The ice cracked beneath her, and she howled as she plummeted into the chilled water below.
