
Light Up The Sky [Pack Meeting]



9 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-10-2017, 12:17 PM
Gwenevere had still been settling into the new pack lands when the call came for a meeting, with her head and the greater portion of her body deep into a partly-dug den that muffled the call. She'd backed out at once, shaking dirt from her ears, but the call had already stopped and, unable to pinpoint the location now that she was out, she'd had to guess as to where a meeting might take place in a land still unfamiliar to her. She'd been wrong, it turns out, but it seemed voices tended to carry on the wide-open plains of this territory and she'd been able to follow the distant murmur once she'd come close enough.

Gwen hurried her steps, but she still slipped into the meeting after Regulus had begun to speak, in time to hear from a distance her name and sigh to herself over her lateness, but she was able to settle into the back of the group, to be as little of a disturbance to the meeting as possible, as he spoke sternly to a wolf who was to be demoted. She gave the remainder of his words her full attention despite not yet knowing who belonged to which name. He was speaking about ranks, most of which didn't apply to her but were important for all the pack's wolves to learn anyway. If as he said there were few adults to train the young - and she did see a lack of adult faces - she would undoubtedly be training youths from different ranks other than her own, and she would need to understand how their rank worked in order to train them in what they would most need to know.

She stayed silent but absorbed all the information as Regulus spoke, but when he came to the end of his speech and spoke of forming search parties for missing pack members, her brow furrowed. Before she'd left Ardent the memories of a war between packs, and of wolves stolen and killed, was still fresh, so it was her first thought and concern on hearing of so many missing wolves. "I will help with the searches," she spoke up, quietly but firmly so her voice would carry.