
Bear Necessities



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
05-10-2017, 11:57 PM

Large paws left prints in the mud as she drew closer to the banks, the roar of the waterfall drowning out most sounds except for the random bear sounds, but they weren't close enough for her to really worry about right now. Or so she hoped. She didn't know what she would do if she came across a bear. She'd never seen one up close, but she had seen polar bears from a distance when she went to explore the neighboring territories when Ivalice was still in the north. Sometimes she missed it there, her heart sinking at the memory of her father being buried. He was left alone in the pines, and she wondered if she should go visit him...would she make it on her own, though? Her sister had left to go do it...and she was way smaller than Okami. She was the biggest of her litter, so surely she'd have no problem getting there by herself, right?

When an unknown voice sounded nearby, she nearly jumped out of her skin and whirled to spot a male that was a little shorter than her. Blue eyes were wide, though she tried to calm her racing heart, it took her a while thanks to her being caught by surprise. He asked her something, and the question and tone of his voice seemed innocent enough. "Hello, sir. Erm...I suppose so, yes. After all the rain from the past season, I wanted to see how the nearby rivers were doing." She smiled lightly at him, ears flicking nervously. He appeared to be older than her, but younger than her mother...he looked handsome. For an older wolf. But that was as far as her thoughts would go.

"Talk" "You" Think

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