
Gotta put down roots sometime


05-11-2017, 06:47 PM

Amaia trotted toward the pack where her sister had been living for some time now with a renewed certainty. She had promised to join Carletta what felt like ages ago, but she had put it off and then put it off some more. There was just something about the idea about being tied to one place that just seemed so unusual to her. But now it felt like she had explored enough of this land to be satisfied. Besides, from what she could tell she could still adventure a little bit if she wanted! Or at least she hoped so.

She stood with her paws at the edge of Fiori's borders and threw her head back to call for mister Leo and Carletta before she could change her mind. If nothing else she was excited to see her sister again. It had been far too long since she had been with Carletta. She stood there with her tail wagging excitedly while she waited for someone to come greet her. She was half tempted to go running in to find Carletta, but she thought it would probably be better to make a good first impression and be polite.

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