
This Is Your Time, You Better Take It [Meeting]



7 Years
05-12-2017, 12:03 AM
Emerald green eyes gazed around at all the wolves gathered, as it seemed Dragon was busy for the moment going to greet some newcomers. There were so many different wolves, and so many faces that she recognized, but didn't know. For some, she couldn't even put a name to a face, nevermind say she knew anything about them. Boy, she really needed to get out and about... but she loved exploring on her own, too. Her eyes came upon a fascinating, starry wolf. She eyed him for a few moments, before looking around to some of Avalon's kids, and then noticing a female wolf sitting with a fairly large feline. How interesting, she'd never seen that before. She glanced to her mom as she finally arrived, and she peeked her head around Steel to look at Esarosa. "About time, mom!" the girl teased, pressing against her father. The young woman turned her head as she noticed Dragon return to his position at the head of the pack, and it seemed he was finally ready to start the meeting.

Of course, as the meeting began, it happened to be about some boring stuff she wasn't really interested in. At least she understood more of it, not like the last meeting she'd been to where things just went right over her head. Still, it wasn't as exciting as she thought it'd be. Until he mentioned apprentices, and she sat up to attention. As he began to address the mentors, she looked around for her own, ears folding back when she realized Gryphon wasn't even here. Did he not want to be part of this pack? Who was going to teach her if he wasn't around? But Dragon began making some pretty serious demands on his pack members, to ensure that training took off more seriously, and also making sure that apprentices did their job to educate themselves by attending all pack gatherings. Her teeth clenched, and she absently nodded her head as she listened to Dragon speak. It was about time she got serious about training, instead of just goofing off and exploring. It was fun, but it wasn't what she really needed to be focusing on.

Lastly, Dragon started to talk about a pack raid, and the need to scout out other packs and get information. Sterling blinked, thinking it over in her mind. As she listened to the others agree to a raid, she felt an excitement stir within her. Oh, she definitely wanted to participate in a raid,
even if it was new to her. But what about that scouting thing? She really enjoyed traveling and exploring. It would be perfect for her! She stayed quiet only a moment longer as she looked at the woman with the feline companion offer to go scouting, and then Dragon's brother Kharnage put up an offer. "I'll go!" she suddenly called out, bouncing to her paws and stepping forward, "I can spy on other packs, and see what they have that we need. And I'm really good at remembering landscapes and other details." She looked to Dragon, her eyes brimming with excitement. Would it be okay for her to go, or would they think she was too young?