
Tell Me Again



9 Years
05-12-2017, 01:14 AM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2017, 01:15 AM by Xephyris.)

He paused as she stopped and turned to face him, standing to her true height and resting her brilliant sapphire eyes upon him. His thick tail lifted like a flag to match her stance, his head held upward with a slight tilt, a smirk upon his sly mug and a glimmer of mischief in his gaze. Silver eyes watched her expression as she looked him over, seeing the confusion and disinterest melt away into recognition, and as she stepped a little closer to him, his smirk only grew. It was impossible to tell what she was thinking thus far, but it was obvious that she remembered him well enough. She spoke, her voice gracing his ears, pulling him back to a time long before life had weaved its webs of complexity around him. Now, of course, he needed to find to a way to quickly and slyly express to her everything she needed to hear, without indulging too much information. Although, if he recalled clearly, she didn't seem to mind a play on words.

"It's all gone downhill since we last met," he said with a chuckle, eyeing her for her response. Tail flicked, stepping a few feet closer to her, before moving off to try to circle around her, his claws leaving marks in the obsidian sand as he paced. "And what of you, darling?" he asked slyly, silver eyes searching her face, "Never thought I'd see you in these parts again... what brought you back?" It was clear that they were both trying to get a feel for one another - what was the purpose of this meeting? Where was it going to lead? And were there any feelings left to be sparked between them? Interest, resentment, or something else altogether? The brute wasn't sure, but he was certainly going to stick around to find out. The woman was snowy and gorgeous, but he had many reasons for wanting to reconnect with her, and he would play her game however she liked if it meant getting closer to her.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]