



7 Years
Other species
05-12-2017, 06:54 AM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2017, 06:55 AM by Amaryllis.)
It was dark by now, which meant ever nocturnal creature would be out. More importantly to her or meant most of the wolves around would be sleeping, which she had always thought was a good thing, after all she didn't want to end up a fluffy bed peice. She was quiet in evacuating her den, her head peeking out first before she came out entirely. Her den lay by the lake, dug out from under a tree's roots. The night was cool already and she could feel the bite of the cold air. She shook the dirt from her pelt and set about grooming her fur until it laid in the way it was suppose to. She knew the white of her stood out at night but it wasn't a bad thing nescessarily, as other foxes would know she was coming.

Her scent covered this place she knew. After all she was born here and stayed here after her parents left. She was at home here. She knew the best fishing spots, though one was taken by a pack and you had to be really good to sneak in there and get out alive. She wasn't willing to try, though her father had told her of the place. It had been almost four years now though since she had seen them, it was also the last time she had ever seen another fox. She shook her head from the thoughts, and stood, moving through the field around the lake. First thing was first, food. Tonight she figured she would dine on field mouse, after all couldn't eat fish every night or she would get fat. Her ears perked forward as she started, her paws were silent as she moved.