
The foxes hunt the hounds



7 Years
Other species
05-12-2017, 02:03 PM
She had already ate and now made her way North across the narrow strip of land that connected her home and this island. She knew the island just as well as her home at the lake. She found the night to be beautiful. It was the best part of the day, the only part she trusted, as she was mainly nocturnal. Her ice blue eyes shone in the dark as she moved about the trees. She was like a shadow, except she was more visible under the light of the moon. Her white pelt was flawless as she moved forward silently. Her paws barely made a sound and her breath was quieted as well. Her ears pressed forward and she only stopped every now and again to scent the flora. It was getting increasingly more difficult as the days went on to find herbs but she wasn't worried, she usually kept out of enough danger that she didnt need any. She just liked to have them in case of an emergency. Her father had taught her hunting and her mother the trade of herbs. Of course she knew certain wolves needed what she kept dried out and she knew keeping the herbs would encourage some to trade with her eventually. There was things she needed that she couldn't obtain herself, things like the pelts of big game and even fruits from the orchard. She just wasn't willing to go so far from her den. Too much could happen.

Her form stopped as she found what she was looking for. Elderberry, it was good for the immune system she knew and she was quick to take a few and ingest them. She then took a few and set them inside a leaf as she worked on making sure she would be able to take them home with her. She intended on planting a few to hopefully make them grow outside her den. She sat there then watching the stars, wrapping her tail around her paws. For four years this had been her, taking herbs and hoping a wolf might one day come to find her, and realize the valuable trade partner she would be. After all she knew the differences between herbs and poisons. She knew her mother had put the thought in her head but it wasn't to absurd she thought anyway.