


05-13-2017, 01:32 AM
The slate blue male was curious about the world. Particularly this world that was not constantly gripped in ice. Where he was born, ice and snow and water was everywhere. The world was always a white blanket, and to see so much color was fascinating and surreal for him. He wondered what kinds of animals lived in this world free from ice. Free from the cold. Free from...eternal winter. Would he experience the other seasons that he heard so many tales about? Moving through the foliage, he was unaware of the approaching male nearby. He was too engrossed in the sights before him. Too curious about the plants and the smells, the greenery and the colors that were so different than back home. Granted it was cold here too, it was nowhere near as cold as it was back where he was from. Only when a foreign voice touched his ears did he quickly turn, forest green eyes finding an older male. It wasn't his mother, that was for certain. Nor was it anyone he knew, but he found it strange that the man had markings similar to his own...his head tilted slightly, eyes narrowing as if trying to focus on the old man, trying to determine if he really did know him.

After a few moments, however, he shook his head. "Aakka." The male felt familiar, however. He had the thick coat of his tribe, and coincidentally had similar markings on his face, just like he did. Denahi, however, was the only one in his tribe that bore such markings...maybe the wolves here were all similar to him and...whoever this was? "Kinauvit?" His deep and monotone voice questioned, unaware that the wolves here did not speak his native tongue.