

Jupiter I


7 Years
06-27-2013, 01:08 AM

Despite her best efforts, it seemed as if her goals to ravage his features were near-impossible to reach. The brute moved in unison with her to avoid the consequences of her attacks, shifting sideways toward her to accommodate for the backward motion of her jaws, not skipping a beat in his attacks. She felt his scar tissue shift minutely about her teeth and lips as his jaws gaped to seek another attack, and--if his tactics were anywhere similar to hers--was probably aimed at the exposed spot that he'd just torn in her flesh. His attempts were not a thing that she would bother to question, nor would she ponder over the possibility of him being able to reach that far without further damage to his face--instead, she would act.

Sick of the taste of scar tissue in her mouth, she would throw her weight forward to meet his advance without hesitation, her final attempt to deliver detrimental damage present in this action. The queen would immediately fling every ounce of her weight toward him, pushing with all of her limbs, hoping that the conflicting movements of their heads would make injury to the maimed tissue unavoidable. Despite the outcome, she would release as she allowed for him to collide into her upper chest, sick of her jaws being stalled in that one despicable spot for so long when she wished for his life to end at her teeth. To aid in keeping her steady against his bulk, Jupiter dug her hind claws into the snow padded partially by their scuffle, weight forward upon her toes.

Her movement redirected his attack further than he had originally aimed, and she felt teeth find their way into the fatty area just behind her right shoulder. No amount of will or ego could stifle the minute yelp that left her as a chunk of the protective fat was ripped away, ears clenching as tight as they could against her skull with aggression. The area was naturally pain tolerant, but nothing could quite prepare someone for getting pieces torn from their body in such a manner. With their heights in mind, Jupiter tried then to slide her weight and force downwards a bit toward the upper and middle portions of his legs, trying to put great pressure on his limbs and joints to force him to fall or move drastically to prevent injury. The larger they are, the harder they fall, was the only fleeting frivolous thought she allowed herself before halting such antics.

Though she had not the knowledge of such events due to an angle that restricted her sight of Mercury, her attacks would coincidentally occur simultaneously with the retraction of Kaios' back left leg, making another possibility to throw him off balance without her quite realizing it.

Just before Kaios' leg extended to go outward in his kick, the large Tasmanian devil's jaws found their target with proper accuracy, the movement having efficiently countered his attempt at grabbing the limb. Without mercy his jaws sunk deeply into the muscle he had sought, jaws holding fast until the moment the lower portion of the hind leg hit him square along his chest and stomach. The breath flew from him and his body mimicked the flightas the companion found himself flying through the air with the power of Kaios' assault, ripping away and severing the lower portion of the Achilles tendon of the brute with the force that had meant to deter this very event. With a thud he landed in the plush snow near Deteste, gasping for the breath that had left him from both impacts.

Blocked out of anything else but Kaios and only minutely aware of something that wasn't her opponent moving slightly up and away in her peripherals, she had no urge to break her focus--only the will to kill. Eyes narrowed with frustration as she realized she wasn't at an angle to bite at any particular area properly, but she kept her jaws minutely parted in preparation, looking for any opportunity to strike or defend.

round 3/5

attacks - Throws weight forward to meet his own, pushing with all four limbs, hoping that their conflicting directions will require that the scar tissue rip, but will release it nevertheless. She tries to shift her weight and force downwards as well to hopefully put more stress on his joints/front legs than they can handle. Mercury's attack succeeds and he severs the lower portion of the Achilles tendon ("the outer-most muscle" above the tarsus), but he is sent flying from the kick. Though she isn't aware of it, her attack will hopefully have the possibility to bring him down between her and Mercury's assaults.

defenses - To try and hold her own against his weight, she digs her hind claws into the partially-packed snow. Ears are still pinned and eyes are narrowed to try and offer protection of both parts, and tail is still outwards for as much balance as she can manage. Her jaws are slightly agape, prepared to go on the offense at a window to strike or on the defense to protect what may somehow threaten her further.

injuries - Decent-sized (a jagged circle about 3 inches or so in diameter) area of fur ripped clean from the area of the side of her neck. She is missing a moderately-sized (about 2/3rds inch deep but about two inches wide) amount of flesh from the fatty area just behind her shoulder.

ooc - I believe that clarification is my choice and it will remain that way. I understand that it is all a matter of perception and that it is up to the judges, and they may do what they please--ignore the OOC or not, I honestly do not care, because just like my right to clarify, it is their right to ignore it. I specify for the enjoyment and understanding of others (including yourself) and the ease of the thread. More people read this fight than just you, I, and the judges--people that may not have the experience or insight like we do. As you aptly put it, it is all a matter of perception, as all description is, but I am attempting to be courteous to our other readers by allowing them insight into my perception instead of rudely blocking them out of it. I like to be in threads that are enjoyable and easy to understand to read and be in to whatever parties may be viewing or present, and I will not deny someone that opportunity.

I have not been around the cbox often over the past couple of days and have not been aware of the activities inside of it as much as usual, but as a mod I also know better than to dig up the bodies of problems buried by a solution. So I will not discuss or revisit the matter of drama unless a new problem arises.

Also, on the matter of Mercury's attack landing since where/whether or not the jaws landed was not specified or if the attack missed:

[6/26/2013 10:47:49 AM] Brittany: okay if they didnt address an attack

[6/26/2013 10:47:57 AM] Brittany: but tried to counter a different one done in succession

[6/26/2013 10:48:12 AM] Brittany: then the first attack could be assumed, ergo the succession

[6/26/2013 10:49:02 AM] S T A R S I G H T: so if he's trying to wrap his front legs around the leg and bite at the same time, which could I dictate to be assumed to hit?

[6/26/2013 10:49:15 AM] Brittany: whichever

In this manner, I chose for the bite to land. For reference to the location of the Achilles tendon, I used Figure 1 here.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.