
A bitter sweet goodbye


06-27-2013, 01:22 AM

He listened to her, ears perked forward in interest. Old? She wasn't that old.. was she? He was around five years old, and she was.. what? The same age as him? He had never asked before, so he honestly didn't know. "Old age? You're not that old, aren't you my age?" She didn't look very old, then again, he didn't notice things like that. He saw a 6 month old pup the same as a 6 year old female. Pussy was pussy to him, big or small, young or old. He didn't care who it came from, how used up it was or how old, he loved it anyways, and craved it desperately. Being with Newt he had to refrain from his desires, but Secret... She was something else, she always had been. She had been the one woman who caught his eye, the one woman he had some twisted obsession with no matter what she threw at him. Since the day he laid eyes on her he wanted to possess her, make her his forever. He had her temporarily, but he had let her go, which he realized now as a mistake. Miserable or not she was his, and he should have kept her. She was the remedy to their tragic love, and the clarity to his insanity. Some how he was always drawn to her, like now. He had randomly ended up here, and there she was, as if she was waiting for him to come. Fate always brought them together, whether they liked it or not. "Pleasant? I never thought I would hear you call me that. Usually it's bastard, cock sucker, fucker... do I really need to go on?" He returned her sarcastic smirk with one of his own as he turned his body to face her. Turning brought them a bit closer, but in the heated moment he didn't mind. She had a certain look in her eyes, one he had seen before in many females. He couldn't believe it though, was this a trick? "I decided to pass the horns onto someone else, my days of playing satan are over. I've broken a lot of lives in my time here, and now that I have my own pack, my own family, I realized there is more to life than breaking the earth beneath my paws." He couldn't think of another way to explain it, but that was it. And the fact that he was actually enjoying himself around the woman who had imprinted on his life. He kept his gaze on her, and that twinkle in her eyes remained. He just couldn't help himself, he had to so something, he had to make some sort of move to see if she was really giving him that hint. Or was she? Was he simply hoping she would voluntarily give herself to him? No, she would never do that, there was no way. But he had to do something. He inched toward her so slowly barley any waves were made in doing so. "Secret..." He muttered her name huskily as he leaned forward, going for something he never thought he was seek from her. A kiss.