
Bear Necessities



6 Years
05-13-2017, 11:33 PM (This post was last modified: 05-13-2017, 11:33 PM by Basilysk.)

Cry 'Havoc!' and let slip the dogs of war

Never gone swimming? he had travelled a lot when he was young, so he had had plenty of encounters with all sorts of bodies of water, so he found it a little hard to fathom. He tried to hide his smirk, and not imagine how easy it would have been to take advantage of her, larger size and all, in the water. He shook his head; the thought wasn’t as satisfying as it once would have been. “I just taught my Mite how to swim, I could give you a lesson?” he offered instead, internally cringing at himself. He sounded like some kind of good Samaritan. What was the point of such niceties? He wasn’t going to get anything out of it.

Yet, his traitorous mouth just kept on talking, headless of his internal dialogue. “It’s really easy to get the hang of, and with your height you won’t have to worry about getting swept away in a little body of water like this” it sounded terribly encouraging. Fyre would have smacked him over the head by now thinking something was loss and rattling around in his brain.

She entered the water not long after he did, and he smirked at the little gasp she uttered as she felt the chill against her fur. He moved closer to the waterfall, diving under to avoid the worst of the pressure, and reappearing on the other side. The young lady passed her head through the cascading water instead, and Basil was already pulling himself onto the ledge by the time she saw the cave and was gasping in wonder. “Not all of them, but it’s always interesting to find out which one’s conceal them” he shook out his coat and glanced around. Nothing had changed since he had been here only a few days earlier. Blue light danced off the cave walls, constantly shifting with the moving water that tinted them. He moved further into the cave, ignoring the first branching tunnel. “Come on, there’s something that I think will fascinate you” he offered. Faun had been astonished at the sights in the cave, and he remembered her childish curiosity with a hint of worry. She would start looking for him soon.

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