
I Walk Alone...


06-27-2013, 05:29 AM
Squall had just lifted his head when he met the gray girl nose to nose. Taken aback by her angry voice, and with surprise he flinched back a fraction of an inch, though it was still slightly noticeable. His ears pinned flat to his head, eyes widened. He wasn't afraid of her, just surprised at the she-wolfs fury. In a way, it scared the poor guy in a different way. He felt her nose touch his, causing his muzzle to wrinkle slightly with the sudden pressure. He pulled back a bit, so that their noses were only an inch apart. He knew she was pissed, and so was her brother. And with the arrival of the new kid, how was he supposed to react? The loner knew no kindness upon him. Most hated him on sight, why? He never really understood. Most just turned a cold shoulder on him, and in turn, he had closed himself off to the world. His heart not knowing a single inkling of love, kindness, or friendship. Not since Ellone. But here, he was faced with three strangers.

The first, a male who came to him in unknown territory. This man new to the land and questioned? What was he to do when the other was somewhat unkind? Squall was simply acting as he would to anyone else. He was who he was, it was all he knew to be. He replied with equal attitude. Sure the male had a hot headed problem, its just how he grew up. To lash with his tongue against those that sought to lash at him. He wasn't a people person, far from it. But in time, with patience...a LOT of patience...he would begin to open up. For now, he would force himself to calm his attitude, no matter how badly he wanted to speak sharply to the gray brother. His gaze returned to the female, the sister whom he just learned was Loccian. She had a fierce air about her, one he didn't want to see lashed at him again. And if it happened, then his mistake. He would not fight a female, unless absolutely necessary. And for some reason, this female in particular he did not want to fight. Ever. He couldn't quite figure out baffled him. It was indeed rare for Squall to think that there was a wolf whom he wouldn't fight, and she was it. Her brother on the other that, was a different story. Squall then looked past her to rest his gaze on the boy. The child who had intervened. So young, yet he seemed to have words wiser then his age. He spoke calmly, with no fear. He approached the man with little regard as to what would happen to him. The two older ones, brother and sister, putting themselves between him and the child. As if he would dare harm a child...those who did were evil, vile, heartless creatures. And he, was not that. From the she-wolf, he learned that this kids name was Augustus. And for this kid to carry himself the way he did, and speak the way he did...well, Squall found himself admiring the pup for his bravery.

His ears twitched in the slightest movement as the boy spoke. Glancing for a moment at Loccian, then back at the boy, he stood. The tri-colored man perked forward his ears, held his tail parallel to the ground, and stood straight. Though he kept his toes light should either of the two attack him...Dipping his head respectfully to the boy, he spoke.
"My name is Squall Leonhart. A Soldier of a special forces called SeeD. But, I suppose that isn't important anymore since it no longer exists. Along with the rest of what I called home a long time ago. I am a loner hailing from the far regions of the West. A loner because my pack and family were wiped out...I'm the only descendant of the Leonhart Clan that remains. I apologize for my brash actions against your brother," He turned his gaze towards Loccian, "And I am also sorry for offending you. But I would never harm a kid, it's against my personal code. Only heartless bastards would think of doing that! And I am sorry for greeting your brother in combat. I'm not what you would So do with me what you will. Chase me out. Kill me. Or have others judge me for my actions. My paws carried me as far away from my past as I could get. So do with me what you will." He finished. His eyes betrayed nothing to the brute and the child, but when he turned to the girl, a flicker of something flashed for a brief second as he finished his sentence. His tone was cool and collected, the apologies to him were unnatural. But he didn't want to make enemies, so he told them as sincerely as he could. He waited then, for the responses. Would they chase him out now? Or bring him to their Alpha for judgment? He wasn't sure where in this world he belonged...he had traveled far and wide. All he wanted, deep inside his heart, was a place where he would be accepted.

Speech, Thought, You