
Satchel's Shit.


05-15-2017, 01:10 PM

He had to hand it to himself, somehow it was always easy to end up this way. Going round and round in circles, as if dreaming might be just out of grasp. Inhaling the sweet air, he furrowed his brows and inched down the slippery incline towards fates unknown. Slightly apprehensive with good reason, every-time he managed to find his niche it all came tumbling down. Destined to roam as a feral beast, his electric orange eyes betrayed nothing but the turmoil with in. A fickle sort of wonder, intent on devouring him alive.

It was rather pleasant here, compared to his last get away this was a damn paradise. So far he managed it alone, paws gripped the cooled rocks as his pale hide slipped through towards unknown destinations. Panting at the edges he noticed the lake, stomach rumbled at the thought of fish and other flesh to render useless. It might be too good to be true, either way there was no point to return too. He continued along his treacherous path, inching his way towards the shore line when he noticed the vibrant splash of crimson upon the bank. Twitching once, curiosity rose up to claim him once more.

Call it instinct, call it whatever he didn't give a fuck in the end. Without a sound he stalked the younger male, heart beating like a hammer the closer the approach. Licking his inky lips, his tail wriggling with anticipation as he soaked up every inch. Yes, yes, yes!!! So close now he could see every single strand of that delicious fur, he slunk low and coiled up his muscular frame.

" BOO!!!

A swift pounce, steering clear of a collision as he landed just to the left a wicked grin upon his handsome face. It had been a while since he played such games, full of the best intentions an eye trained on the mouse before him. Mmmmmm, mmmmmmm, mmmmmmm.


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1. Satchel's Shit. Postlogs 09:21 AM, 05-15-2017 12:01 PM, 01-10-2024