
Talk the talk


05-15-2017, 01:31 PM
Félicien paused, though not because he heard another response from the French speaking child. No, this voice belonged to an adult, and what seemed to be an authoritative one at that. Féli straightened, and though he did not smile, there was nothing threatening about his stance or demeanor as he looked over towards the woman. From what he gathered this place was called Lirim… a packland. He was hardly interested in a pack, but perhaps this could be beneficial yet. He’d just have to play things by ear.

“Passing by, mostly. Until a certain little French voice caught my attention.” Félicien let out a soft chuckle at this. Sure he hadn’t seen the child, but he knew well enough what she had been saying. “Do many of the Lirim wolves know French by chance?” For now he spoke in idle conversation, his tail swishing lightly back and forth. He wasn’t looking for trouble, at least yet, so he might as well appear to be a friendly old man, no? Silver eyes fixed on the woman, examining her and waiting for her to speak again.

He was ready to see where this conversation might lead.