


07-19-2013, 02:58 AM

Pain. It was intense throughout his frame as teeth pierced the most vulnerable part of his body. How it happened he did not know, he thought he had protected his throat more than any other part of his body, but somehow he had slipped up, and the mistake would more than likely cost him his life. And it did. The she-devil placed her paws on his head, and without hesitation she ripped away, taking the most vital part of his throat with her. Blood spewed heavily onto the snow, squirting a few inches away from his body as his his weight dropped stiff into the snow. Naturally his lungs were still craving air, but due to the blood pouring down his tattered esophagus it caused him to cough heavily, blood spraying the snow with every hack he took. His nervous system spiraled out of control, and for a moment he felt immense pain, but soon his endorphins kicked in, which caused his body to begin going numb. He was losing time quickly, but for him time and space had completely stopped. His heavy amethyst gaze looked up to meet Jupiter's as she distanced herself and watched him suffer. His mouth opened wider to speak, but all that came out was low gurgles from him choking on blood. Though he did manage the words, and to think I wasn't going to kill you between gasps for air and gurgles. His intentions had been to release her if he had won. She was a queen, and though he had made mistakes in the past Newt had convinced him that she deserved such, and deserved to live on with the family and pack she had created. If she understood him he wasn't sure, but by now almost a full minute had passed with him bleeding out onto the snow.

His eyes heavy, but still barley open, managed to look past the woman before him, and instantly fell on Newt. He wanted her to be the last thing he saw before Hades dragged him back to the underworld. His eyes trailed over her figure, and though she was too far away for him to get a good look, he could imagine her perfectly in his mind. Her size, beauty, sensuality, and power were the things he loved most about her. Loved. He never thought he would have fallen in love, but some how that little demon had changed him for the better. But all that had gone to waste now, because once he was back in hell all things would be forgotten, including the woman who had taught him better. When the devil is reincarnated he will have no memory of the women who sought greatness in him, or the pack he ruled, or the many children he had sired. He will simply walk the mortal life again, breaking lives and earth with every step he takes. Whether it be a wolf, human, horse, or bird, the devil is always watching, waiting, praying someone will slip up.

Amethyst eyes heavily shut as the lord drew one last steady breath. His heart beat was slowed, and his brain activity was heavily impaired. thump thump thump thu- then it stopped. With his blood still seeping into the earth, the devil made his way back to hades, taking every ill soul and memory with him.

Long live the king.


OOC: Short and sweet <3 Kaios is officially dead, but I still have some threads with him due to liquid time, so once I finish those staff may do as they wish with his profile. If it's being deleted I wish for the gems to be sent to my Aislyn account ^.^